Tone City Double Durple is the latestcollaboration between Danish Pete & Tone City Pedals.
The original Durple pedal is a mid gain,versatile drive pedal in a mini pedal format. One of the best tones Pete evergot was to by using the Tone City Blues Man pedal as a low gain boost into theDurple pedal. So of course the idea was born for the Double Durple!
Here you have two discreet over drivecircuits that can be used independently or together. The “Durple” side is basedon the original Durple pedal. The “Double” side is actually a modded version ofthe Tone City Blues Man, giving you classic lower gain, fat boosted drivetones, with the added EQ control from the bright/smooth EQ switch.
Learn about these and get the tones youwant.
Powered by DC 9V power supply. No higherthan this.
Such as TONECITY Pedal Substation and TPS SERIESAll independent pedal power supply
True bypass